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Bildbesprechung 2024-03 Müll

Bildbesprechung 2024-03 Müll

Thema: Müll „ Ansel [Adams] always jumped over the fence to photograph, walked past the garbage. He always looked to get an immaculate view, and I spent my life stepping back to include the garbage in my photographic view.“ „ Ansel [Adams] ist immer über den...
Bildbesprechung 2023-09 Urlaub

Bildbesprechung 2023-09 Urlaub

Zur Bildbesprechung eingereichte Bilder zum Stammtisch am 12. September 2023 Thema: Urlaub „ I enjoy traveling and recording far-away places and people with my camera. But I also find it wonderfully rewarding to see what I can discover outside my own window. You only...